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CQS/FV Advogados advises the launch of the first NFT marketplace for Brazilian music

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29 de June de 2021 - 12:15

CQS/FV – Cesnik, Quintino, Salinas, Fittipaldi and Valerio Advogados advises the launch of another client from the Technology area: Phonogram.me, presented to the public on 29th June. The platform is the first marketplace in NFT (Non Fungible Token – a kind of authenticity certificate for digital items) of Brazilian music. Unpublished song manuscripts, exclusive GIFs and lifetime tickets are some of the items that may be available to fans.

Phonogram.me seeks to bring profitable options to Brazilian artists considering the digital demands in which we are inserted. Unlike artistic items such as paintings, for example, in which the author receives money for the sale only once regardless if the work is sold several times later, the sale of NFTs pays the authors for each new transaction. “We are interested in the topic because it aims to stimulate business and revenue for the music market, especially for musicians, for record labels and producers, bringing opportunities for brands to position themselves.” – explains Fernando Quintino, one of the partners at CQS/FV Advogados in charge of the platform’s legal advice.

For this case, CQS/FV worked with different specialties of its services portfolio, such as corporate, tax, contracts, brands, technology and regulatory, with a team composed by the partners Fernando Quintino, Daniella Galvão and Ygor Valerio, by the associated lawyers Raul Mahfuz, Alessandro Amadeu and Thaís Moraes and by the paralegal Felipe Seiki. The firm works in cooperation with Filipe Tavares, a partner lawyer specialized in corporate law and capital markets. “We work as consultants in the design of some concepts related to the business, due to the characteristics of the operation, which is innovative. In this business, there is a need for high quality delivery and extreme agility, as customer response timings are very short. Everything happens in real time.” – Quintino completes.

About CQS/FV Advogados
CQS/FV – Cesnik, Quintino, Salinas, Fittipaldi and Valerio Advogados has outstanding expertise in legal consultancy for planning, structuring and enabling businesses in the areas of culture, sports, third sector, internet and technology. In offices located in Brazil and in branches in Latin America and Europe, lawyers combine technical knowledge with a deep understanding of the reality of the national and international market to offer complete solutions and find innovative answers to current legal issues of organizations in Brazil and abroad, helping customers in managing their business ethically and efficiently.

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