Legal knowledge & experience
Our team
In view of market changes, both technological and economical, and constant changes to legislation, CQS has always been able to adapt and form interdisciplinary legal groups with professionals capable of providing clients with highly specialized and personalized service which is still full-service.
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- Partners
- Attorneys
- Consultants
- Interns
- Fábio de Sá Cesnik
- Fernando Quintino
- Rodrigo Salinas
- José Maurício Fittipaldi
- Ygor Valerio
- Aline Akemi Freitas
- Alessandro Amadeu
- Daniella Galvão
- Felipe Senna
- Flávia Manso
- Kátia Catalano
- Priscila Akemi Beltrame
- Ricardo Gimenes
- Thais Colli
- Adriana Adani
- Alice Calixto
- Amanda Bertocchi
- Amanda Naves
- Ana Beatriz Araujo Dantas Orlando
- André Delgado
- Armando Scarpelli
- Clara Uehara Kalili
- Diva Farias
- Fabiana Fróes
- Fernanda Coelho
- Gabriela Biscotto
- Gabrielle Marucci Vilano
- Giovana Borghesi
- Guilherme Monteiro Ferreira
- Gustavo Campanili
- Isis Guerle Tonso
- Izadora Verri Mendes
- Juliana Valle
- Letícia Agati
- Lucas Morado
- Luísa Roman
- Manuela Natacci
- Marcela Lupoli
- Mariana Costa
- Marina Scaramuzza Bressan
- Marjori Ferrari
- Nádia Lovatto
- Patrícia Garbin
- Pilar Robles
- Rodrigo Chacon
- Sofia Magalhães
- Tayana Michiura
- Valeria Puglisi
- Victoria Guirelli Bauerle
Fábio de Sá Cesnik Partner
Graduated in Law and Legal Sciences from the University of São Paulo (USP). Vice-president of Institutional Relations in Brazil California Chamber of Commerce (BCCC). Specialist in Culture, Media, and Entertainment. Since 2010, he has been in a row tanked in Chambers and Partners as a specialist lawyer in Media and Entertainment. Ex-chairman of IASP’s Media and Entertainment and member of OAB-SP Rights to the Arts Commission. He is the author of the books “Globalização da Cultura” and “Guia do Incentivo à Cultura” (Editora Manole). He is co-author “Projetos Culturais: Elaboração, Administração, Aspectos Legais e Busca de Patrocínio” (Editora Escrituras). Lawyer licensed in Brazil and Portugal. Member of the California BAR as a Foreign Legal Consultant.
Fernando Quintino Partner
Graduated in Law from Largo São Francisco Law School – USP in 1995. Founding partner of CQS/FV Advogados, Fernando is responsible for the Corporate/M&A and Third Sector practice areas of the firm. Lawyer with extensive experience in structuring businesses in the areas of media & entertainment and conducting negotiations in the area of mergers and acquisitions. Advises clients in the media and content industries in general (phonographic, audiovisual, advertising, editorial, technology, game developers, among others) in corporate and contracts areas. He is also specialist in the third sector/NFP area, advising associations, institutes, foundations and social companies.
Rodrigo Salinas Partner
Master in Law by FGV Direito SP. Master of Laws from Columbia University, New York. Bachelor of Laws from FDUSP. Professor of the Lato Sensu Post-graduate Program from FGV Direito SP. Ranked by Chambers & Partners as a specialist lawyer in media and entertainment. He advises clients of the media and content industries in general (phonographic, audiovisual, advertising, editorial, among others) in the areas of intellectual property, contractual and litigation.
José Maurício Fittipaldi Partner
Prizewinner in rankings and legal directories as a leader lawyer in Media and Entertainment industry, José Maurício Fittipaldi has 20 years of experience as a lawyer and as an executive in this business. With participation in many councils and local sectoral representation as TV Cultura Managing Council, Superior Film Council, and National Anti-piracy Council, nowadays he is president of the Media, Entertainment and Culture Commission of the Brazilian Bar Association, São Paulo Section.
Ygor Valerio Partner
With a J.D. degree from the University of São Paulo (USP) and an advanced degree in Intellectual Property from FGV/SP, Ygor Valerio has filled legal leadership positions in big tech companies and has been Vice-President & Legal Counsel for Content Protection in Latin America, at the MPA – Motion Picture Association, having acquired noteworthy experience with legal matters not only in Brazil but in many jurisdictions such as Mexico, Argentina, Peru, Colombia, Uruguai and Chile. Valerio has also served at the National Anti-Piracy Council at Brazil’s Ministry of Justice from 2015 through 2020, and is currently Undersecretary of the Copyright Comission at Brazil’s Federal Bar Association and Coordinator of the Copyright Study Comission at ABPI – Brazilian Association of Intellectual Property.
Aline Akemi Freitas Partner
Graduated and Master in State Law by PUC-SP. Member of IASP Media and Entertainment Studies Committee. Former advisor at the General Secretariat of the Presidency of the Republic on the agenda of the Regulatory Framework of Civil Society Organizations. Professor in media and entertainment courses. Author of the book “Right to Culture and NGOs”, by Editora Lumen Juris. Author of several articles on public funding for entertainment.
Alessandro Amadeu Partner
Daniella Galvão Partner
Graduated in Law at University of São Paulo Law School (USP). Master in Tax Law at Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo (PUC-SP). Specialist in tax law at Instituto Brasileiro de Direito Tributário (IBET), where worked as a teacher in lato sensu post-degree program. Specialist in Third Sector Law at ESA/OAB. Mentor of entrepreneur women and startups at B2Mamy. Acts in tax law, litigious and advisory, making new business and startups tax plans.
Felipe Senna Partner
Graduated in Law at UNI-BH in 2004. Studied LL.M. in Corporate Law at FGV in 2011 and LL.M in US Law at Beasley School of Law, Temple University Japan Campus, in 2018, focusing on Intellectual Property, Content Protection and Technology. Worked as an Attorney for the largest software houses in the world, in anti-piracy and computer software licensing campaigns. In the audiovisual industry, led content protection and the fight against piracy at a pay-TV operator and directed the antipiracy area in a pay-tv programmer multinational in Brazil. Implemented and was a member of public and private associations, focused on content protection and anti-piracy, since 2012. Directed public policies and relations with the industry as a partner in a consulting company for the audiovisual industry.
Flávia Manso Partner
Kátia Catalano Partner
Priscila Akemi Beltrame Partner
Priscila Akemi Beltrame is a lawyer, holding a Master’s degree in Human Rights and a Ph.D. in Criminal Law from the Law School of the University of São Paulo (USP). She has postgraduate studies in International Relations from the London School of Economics and in International Law from the Autonomous University of Barcelona. She has been working in the fields of technology, intellectual property, and compliance for over twenty years, having passed through some of the leading law firms in the country. She was the Legal Director of UNESCO in Brazil and a consultant for the UNDP in human rights and business. She is a state councilor and vice-president of the Human Rights Commission of the OAB/SP. She is also the Vice-president of the Technology and Innovation Commission of the OAB/SP.
Ricardo Gimenes Partner
Thais Colli Partner
With over 20 years of experience, this business affairs executive specializes in Entertainment Law, Intellectual Property, Contracts, and Negotiations. She has held leadership and management positions in legal and business areas at companies such as Eyeworks Cuatro Cabezas, Discovery Inc., HBO Latin America, and Amazon Studios. In addition, she has taught Law at the International Academy of Cinema (AIC) and the Paulista University (UNIP), among other institutions.
Adriana Adani Consultant
Alice Calixto Attorney
Amanda Bertocchi Interns
Amanda Naves Attorney
Ana Beatriz Araujo Dantas Orlando Attorney
André Delgado Attorney
Armando Scarpelli Attorney
Law degree by Pontifícia Univesidade Católica de São Paulo (PUC-SP). Post-Graduation in Tax Law by Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo – (PUC-SP). Armando acts in advisory and litigation related to tax law. He has solid experience with court litigation, social security contributions, taxation of compensation and non-profit entities.
Clara Uehara Kalili Interns
Diva Farias Attorney
Fabiana Fróes Attorney
Fernanda Coelho Attorney
Gabriela Biscotto Attorney
Gabrielle Marucci Vilano Attorney
Giovana Borghesi Interns
Guilherme Monteiro Ferreira Attorney
Gustavo Campanili Attorney
Isis Guerle Tonso Attorney
Izadora Verri Mendes Attorney
Juliana Valle Consultant
Letícia Agati Attorney
Lucas Morado Attorney
Graduated in Law from the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro – PUC-Rio. LL.M in Entertainment Law and Digital Media. LL.M in Contract Law from PUC-Rio. Specialist in complex negotiations, corporate demands, and project management. Worked for several years in the legal department of the largest media and communication conglomerate in Brazil and Latin America, starting his career in the corporate area working with structuring and implementation of financial / corporate transactions (Mergers and Acquisitions / Structured Financial Transactions). Afterwards, started to work in the areas of acquisition and production of content, focusing on acquisition of rights (negotiation of national and international broadcasting rights), international licensing of the company’s contents (including agreements with operators for the distribution of the signal of the international channel), legal support to audiovisual productions in Brazil and abroad.
Luísa Roman Attorney
Law Degree from University of São Paulo. Attorney dedicated to the Technology area. Assists clients from film, music, recording and publishing industries, as well as from internet, technology and innovation businesses. Has experience in cases involving copyright, contractual law, music business, and regulation, among other matters.
Currently is pursuing a Master’s Degree in Human Rights at University of São Paulo. Coordinates the Study Group on Entertainment Law from the mentioned institution (GEDE-USP). Was a volunteer in Departamento Jurídico XI de Agosto, and developed a Scientific Initiation research with endorsement from CNPq. Was also a writing professor and human resources director at Arcadas Vestibulares, a prep course organized by USP students.
Manuela Natacci Attorney
Marcela Lupoli Attorney
Mariana Costa Attorney
Law School Graduate, Entertainment Law (UERJ) and Labor Law (FGV-Rio) Post-Grad, Startups and Entrepreneurship Specialization and experience in Tax and Intellectual Property. Operates in Public Law and Tax Incentive areas.
Marina Scaramuzza Bressan Attorney
Marjori Ferrari Attorney
Corporate criminal lawyer with a recognized role in the advisory practice as well as representing the interests of clients in litigation, both in the police phase and in court.
Postgraduate in Criminal Law / Criminal Procedure from Faculdade Autônoma de Direito de São Paulo – FADISP; Economic Criminal Law by the Institute of Economic and European Criminal Law (IDPEE) of the School of Law of University of Coimbra (Portugal), in partnership with the Brazilian Institute of Criminal Sciences – IBCCRIM and in Criminal Law from Escola Superior do Ministério Público de São Paulo – ESMP. LL.B. from Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie.
Nádia Lovatto Interns
Patrícia Garbin Attorney
Graduated in Law from FMU and in Veterinary Medicine from Universidade Federal Fluminense. Lato Sensu post-graduation in Entertainment and Social Communication Law at the Higher School of Law of the Brazilian Bar Association. Senior Manager of Special Projects on Intellectual Property, Technology Law and outsourcing of Legal Departments of large companies.
Pilar Robles Attorney
Bachelor degree in Law at Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro – PUC-Rio. Postgraduated in Intellectual Property Law at PUC-Rio and specialized in Film and Television Business at FGV-Rio. Member of the OAB/RJ Copyright, Intangible Rights and Entertainment Commission. Worked as a lawyer in national and international companies and law firms in the areas of Media, Entertainment, Culture and Sports.
Rodrigo Chacon Attorney
Rodrigo Chacon holds a law degree from PUC-SP and a postgraduate degree in Entertainment Law, Media and Intellectual Property from Escola Superior de Direito da OAB. Rodrigo Chacon is a lawyer in the audiovisual department of Cesnik, Quintino & Salinas Advogados, where he works in both the advisory and the contractual areas, advising the various agents of the Brazilian audiovisual industry including producers, broadcasters, distributors and programmers in Brazil and abroad. He also teaches classes in industry-related courses.
Sofia Magalhães Interns
Tayana Michiura Attorney
Valeria Puglisi Attorney
Victoria Guirelli Bauerle Attorney
Graduated in Law and Legal Sciences from the University of São Paulo (USP). Vice-president of Institutional Relations in Brazil California Chamber of Commerce (BCCC). Specialist in Culture, Media, and Entertainment. Since 2010, he has been in a row tanked in Chambers and Partners as a specialist lawyer in Media and Entertainment. Ex-chairman of IASP’s Media and Entertainment and member of OAB-SP Rights to the Arts Commission. He is the author of the books “Globalização da Cultura” and “Guia do Incentivo à Cultura” (Editora Manole). He is co-author “Projetos Culturais: Elaboração, Administração, Aspectos Legais e Busca de Patrocínio” (Editora Escrituras). Lawyer licensed in Brazil and Portugal. Member of the California BAR as a Foreign Legal Consultant.
Graduated in Law from Largo São Francisco Law School – USP in 1995. Founding partner of CQS/FV Advogados, Fernando is responsible for the Corporate/M&A and Third Sector practice areas of the firm. Lawyer with extensive experience in structuring businesses in the areas of media & entertainment and conducting negotiations in the area of mergers and acquisitions. Advises clients in the media and content industries in general (phonographic, audiovisual, advertising, editorial, technology, game developers, among others) in corporate and contracts areas. He is also specialist in the third sector/NFP area, advising associations, institutes, foundations and social companies.
Master in Law by FGV Direito SP. Master of Laws from Columbia University, New York. Bachelor of Laws from FDUSP. Professor of the Lato Sensu Post-graduate Program from FGV Direito SP. Ranked by Chambers & Partners as a specialist lawyer in media and entertainment. He advises clients of the media and content industries in general (phonographic, audiovisual, advertising, editorial, among others) in the areas of intellectual property, contractual and litigation.
Prizewinner in rankings and legal directories as a leader lawyer in Media and Entertainment industry, José Maurício Fittipaldi has 20 years of experience as a lawyer and as an executive in this business. With participation in many councils and local sectoral representation as TV Cultura Managing Council, Superior Film Council, and National Anti-piracy Council, nowadays he is president of the Media, Entertainment and Culture Commission of the Brazilian Bar Association, São Paulo Section.
With a J.D. degree from the University of São Paulo (USP) and an advanced degree in Intellectual Property from FGV/SP, Ygor Valerio has filled legal leadership positions in big tech companies and has been Vice-President & Legal Counsel for Content Protection in Latin America, at the MPA – Motion Picture Association, having acquired noteworthy experience with legal matters not only in Brazil but in many jurisdictions such as Mexico, Argentina, Peru, Colombia, Uruguai and Chile. Valerio has also served at the National Anti-Piracy Council at Brazil’s Ministry of Justice from 2015 through 2020, and is currently Undersecretary of the Copyright Comission at Brazil’s Federal Bar Association and Coordinator of the Copyright Study Comission at ABPI – Brazilian Association of Intellectual Property.
Graduated and Master in State Law by PUC-SP. Member of IASP Media and Entertainment Studies Committee. Former advisor at the General Secretariat of the Presidency of the Republic on the agenda of the Regulatory Framework of Civil Society Organizations. Professor in media and entertainment courses. Author of the book “Right to Culture and NGOs”, by Editora Lumen Juris. Author of several articles on public funding for entertainment.
Graduated in Law at University of São Paulo Law School (USP). Master in Tax Law at Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo (PUC-SP). Specialist in tax law at Instituto Brasileiro de Direito Tributário (IBET), where worked as a teacher in lato sensu post-degree program. Specialist in Third Sector Law at ESA/OAB. Mentor of entrepreneur women and startups at B2Mamy. Acts in tax law, litigious and advisory, making new business and startups tax plans.
Graduated in Law at UNI-BH in 2004. Studied LL.M. in Corporate Law at FGV in 2011 and LL.M in US Law at Beasley School of Law, Temple University Japan Campus, in 2018, focusing on Intellectual Property, Content Protection and Technology. Worked as an Attorney for the largest software houses in the world, in anti-piracy and computer software licensing campaigns. In the audiovisual industry, led content protection and the fight against piracy at a pay-TV operator and directed the antipiracy area in a pay-tv programmer multinational in Brazil. Implemented and was a member of public and private associations, focused on content protection and anti-piracy, since 2012. Directed public policies and relations with the industry as a partner in a consulting company for the audiovisual industry.
Priscila Akemi Beltrame is a lawyer, holding a Master’s degree in Human Rights and a Ph.D. in Criminal Law from the Law School of the University of São Paulo (USP). She has postgraduate studies in International Relations from the London School of Economics and in International Law from the Autonomous University of Barcelona. She has been working in the fields of technology, intellectual property, and compliance for over twenty years, having passed through some of the leading law firms in the country. She was the Legal Director of UNESCO in Brazil and a consultant for the UNDP in human rights and business. She is a state councilor and vice-president of the Human Rights Commission of the OAB/SP. She is also the Vice-president of the Technology and Innovation Commission of the OAB/SP.
With over 20 years of experience, this business affairs executive specializes in Entertainment Law, Intellectual Property, Contracts, and Negotiations. She has held leadership and management positions in legal and business areas at companies such as Eyeworks Cuatro Cabezas, Discovery Inc., HBO Latin America, and Amazon Studios. In addition, she has taught Law at the International Academy of Cinema (AIC) and the Paulista University (UNIP), among other institutions.
Law degree by Pontifícia Univesidade Católica de São Paulo (PUC-SP). Post-Graduation in Tax Law by Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo – (PUC-SP). Armando acts in advisory and litigation related to tax law. He has solid experience with court litigation, social security contributions, taxation of compensation and non-profit entities.
Graduated in Law from the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro – PUC-Rio. LL.M in Entertainment Law and Digital Media. LL.M in Contract Law from PUC-Rio. Specialist in complex negotiations, corporate demands, and project management. Worked for several years in the legal department of the largest media and communication conglomerate in Brazil and Latin America, starting his career in the corporate area working with structuring and implementation of financial / corporate transactions (Mergers and Acquisitions / Structured Financial Transactions). Afterwards, started to work in the areas of acquisition and production of content, focusing on acquisition of rights (negotiation of national and international broadcasting rights), international licensing of the company’s contents (including agreements with operators for the distribution of the signal of the international channel), legal support to audiovisual productions in Brazil and abroad.
Law Degree from University of São Paulo. Attorney dedicated to the Technology area. Assists clients from film, music, recording and publishing industries, as well as from internet, technology and innovation businesses. Has experience in cases involving copyright, contractual law, music business, and regulation, among other matters.
Currently is pursuing a Master’s Degree in Human Rights at University of São Paulo. Coordinates the Study Group on Entertainment Law from the mentioned institution (GEDE-USP). Was a volunteer in Departamento Jurídico XI de Agosto, and developed a Scientific Initiation research with endorsement from CNPq. Was also a writing professor and human resources director at Arcadas Vestibulares, a prep course organized by USP students.
Law School Graduate, Entertainment Law (UERJ) and Labor Law (FGV-Rio) Post-Grad, Startups and Entrepreneurship Specialization and experience in Tax and Intellectual Property. Operates in Public Law and Tax Incentive areas.
Corporate criminal lawyer with a recognized role in the advisory practice as well as representing the interests of clients in litigation, both in the police phase and in court.
Postgraduate in Criminal Law / Criminal Procedure from Faculdade Autônoma de Direito de São Paulo – FADISP; Economic Criminal Law by the Institute of Economic and European Criminal Law (IDPEE) of the School of Law of University of Coimbra (Portugal), in partnership with the Brazilian Institute of Criminal Sciences – IBCCRIM and in Criminal Law from Escola Superior do Ministério Público de São Paulo – ESMP. LL.B. from Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie.
Graduated in Law from FMU and in Veterinary Medicine from Universidade Federal Fluminense. Lato Sensu post-graduation in Entertainment and Social Communication Law at the Higher School of Law of the Brazilian Bar Association. Senior Manager of Special Projects on Intellectual Property, Technology Law and outsourcing of Legal Departments of large companies.
Bachelor degree in Law at Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro – PUC-Rio. Postgraduated in Intellectual Property Law at PUC-Rio and specialized in Film and Television Business at FGV-Rio. Member of the OAB/RJ Copyright, Intangible Rights and Entertainment Commission. Worked as a lawyer in national and international companies and law firms in the areas of Media, Entertainment, Culture and Sports.
Rodrigo Chacon holds a law degree from PUC-SP and a postgraduate degree in Entertainment Law, Media and Intellectual Property from Escola Superior de Direito da OAB. Rodrigo Chacon is a lawyer in the audiovisual department of Cesnik, Quintino & Salinas Advogados, where he works in both the advisory and the contractual areas, advising the various agents of the Brazilian audiovisual industry including producers, broadcasters, distributors and programmers in Brazil and abroad. He also teaches classes in industry-related courses.