and experience

With experience and work developed over more than two decades, CQS Law Firm has the excellence and dynamism necessary to do business and run projects in a modern and unique way since its establishment.

Trailblazing and experience

Since 1996, CQS/FV has been a pioneer in the professionalization and growth of the Media & Entertainment market in Brazil by helping to write the most varied stories

Áreas em que atuamos

  • Corporate
  • Media & Entertainment and Culture
  • Technology and Startups
  • Nonprofit and Social Enterprise


CQS/FV operations range from opening companies to internalization and going international

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Media & Entertainment and Culture

We are known for our excellent legal advice in a wide range of areas of the Creative Economy

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Technology and Startups

We provide advice to clients ranging from influencers to internet, games, and technology enterprises

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Nonprofit and Social Enterprise

We have outstanding expertise in establishing social businesses and in their corporate planning.

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Trailblazing and experience

Since 1996, CQS/FV has been a pioneer in the professionalization and growth of the Media & Entertainment market in Brazil by helping to write the most varied stories


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