Nonprofit and Social Enterprise

Nonprofit and Social Enterprise

We have outstanding expertise in establishing social businesses and in their corporate planning.

  • Full legal advice

    With recognized practice in Third Sector Law, the firm offers complete, high-quality legal advice for establishing associations and foundations and for their corporate planning; obtaining titles and certificates issued by public authorities (OS, CEBAS, OSCIP, in addition to State or Municipal Public Utilities).

  • Social business structuring

    We have outstanding expertise in structuring social businesses, aiming to help social entrepreneurs organize profit-making companies to generate significant social results which are, preferably, on a scale.

  • Tax structuring

    Tax structuring and advice aimed at institutional development; in addition to planning support to finance activities with private and/or public funds.

  • Social benefits

    Within this perspective, we advise B System companies, enabling businesses to serve private interests and generate direct social benefits for society and third sector entities at the same time.


Public-Interest Civil Society Organization (OSCIPSs), Social Organizations (OS), Public Utility Entities (federal, state and local levels), Charitable Organizations for Social Assistance, and any other non-profit organizations, foundations or institutes. Sponsors and supporters of these organizations. Social enterprises.

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